Deep Roots

13 Items

21 Days of Christmas – Surprise!

by Steve

Remember that Christ says, “When I come, it will surprise you like a thief! But God will bless you, if you are awake and ready.” Revelations 16:15 Christmas is Surprise. Let me explain. The word appears in Luke’s account of that first Christmas. “And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them…” Surprise! Didn’t […]

Finding My True Country

by Steve

“I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same.” C.S. […]

Storm Warnings! What to do in a Crisis

by Steve

Crisis! 1. A crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point. An emotionally stressful or traumatic change in a person’s life.  A crisis constitutes any circumstance or situation which cannot be resolved by customary problem-solving abilities. It require a new way of thinking, being and doing. It changes the world as you knew it […]

2 Simple Requests of God

by Steve

O God, I beg two favors from you; Let me have them before I die. First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Where is the LORD?” And if […]

3 Steps to Lasting Friendships

by Steve

‘Life’s not about the people who act true to your face. It’s about the people who remain true behind your back.” – Unknown    Sometimes it helps to have someone nearby, praying, loving, caring, even hurting with you. Someone who walks into your life when everyone else walks out. In my life that someone has […]

Life Without Power

by Steve

In case you were one of those rare individuals that avoided or had not heard abut the storm we had two week ago, it was one for the record books. A storm blew threw our area on Friday evening June 29th and knocked out power to the whole area, the better part of West Virginia […]

3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer

by Steve

I had to take my car into the garage last week for a tune-up. It was running very rough and wouldn’t even idle when in gear, which meant I had to put it in neutral every time I came to a stoplight or traffic slowed down. What a pain! I think it was actually misfiring […]

Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011

by Steve Related posts: Deep Roots for June 20, 2011 Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith

Does Sin Still Matter

by Steve

“We fear the search for who we are. Perhaps because we’re afraid that having located our true souls, we might not like ourselves that much. So, we shrink to step across the threshold to our inner selves and invite God in. … But no matter how we love the busy world of our relationships, the […]

Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith

by Steve

        Deep Root 06.26.11 Related posts: Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11 Deep Roots for June 20, 2011 Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman

Deep Roots for June 20, 2011

by Steve Related posts: Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11 Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman

The Power of Change Part 6

by Steve

THE POWER OF C-H-A-N-G-E Part 1 – Connect I’ve always heard that religion is about reformation. But Christianity is about transformation. Those two things are not the same. The former is about what a person can do to make self-improvements – Ladder People. The latter is about a person totally yielding to the Person of […]

Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11

by Steve

Are you Ready to go deeper than the surface will reveal? Are you ready to go further than your eyes can currently See? It’s time for Deep Roots! Related posts: Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith Deep Roots for June 20, 2011 Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman