
7 Items

What to do when faced with a Generosity Encounter

by Steve

Have you ever been walking down the street when you came upon someone in need, either asking you directly for help (financially or perhaps a hitchhiker) or someone caught in a mishap that looks like it is going to ruin their day (flat tire, shopping cart overturned, etc.)? What do you do? What should you do? […]

I have a Vision of a Generous Church

by Steve

I have a vision of a Generous Church… gen·er·ous 1. Liberal in giving or sharing.  2. Characterized by nobility 3. Marked by abundance; ample 2. free from pettiness in character and thought, 3. full or plentiful    Generous in their praise of God and care of others. Generous with their resources to fulfill a mission that is challenging, inspiring, and […]

Taming the Money Animal

by Steve

As leaders of God’s church, our greatest responsibility is to create an environment in which people can give generously. When people in our churches have an encounter with the living God and are touched by his grace, we find no greater evidence of God’s power than the existence of a culture of reckless generosity. Generosity […]

Creating a Culture of Contagious Generosity

by Steve

      If life isn’t about money, then why does it cause so many problems. A recent survey the Barna Research Group found that 54% of Non-Christians and 51% of Christians believe the MONEY is the main symbol for determining a successful life. In Paul’s letter to pastor Timothy, he speaks about the temptation, the […]

The Epiphany of Giving

by Steve

Natural wisdom says, “I’ll give when all my needs are met.” “I can’t afford to give” or “I’ll give when I’ve got some surplus.” God’s wisdom says, “Give now, even in your time of need, and watch me work!” The Bible teaches that when we give in faith (trusting totally in God) even when we […]

Living Generously

by Steve

“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” ~Celia Thaxter Summer is a time of reflection and renewal. There is more sunshine, more family time and more time to live on purpose. During the summer our thoughts turn toward what’s really important to us not just what is urgent. We take more time to […]

Stewardship: A Way of Life

by Steve

God, What do you want to do through me this year with the life and gifts you’ve given me? Stewardship as a way of life has amazing implications for our relationships and our daily lives. It expands the horizons of our world and provides direction and focus to our busy lives. When we commit ourselves to […]