It’s not the church of God that has a mission, but the God of mission who has a church.Real People. . . Real Life. . . Real Hope. We try to be transparent in our lives, we’re not perfect people. Our goal and vision as Christians is to do whatever it takes to connect with the overworked, overwhelmed and over-committed and provide an opportunity for them to discover the true purpose of life in Christ. Mission is more than simply signing up for another church activity; mission is about putting into action the Gospel by becoming the kind of person who is steps in to elevate pain, injustice, poverty or loneliness as a follower of Jesus. Through hands-on experiences, learning opportunities, personal encounters, and strategic partnerships, we equip disciples of Christ to make a lasting difference in people’s lives and in society for God’s glory. As Christians we follow Jesus who said “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”(John 20.21). SERVING LOCALLY As a church, we support and partner with several local ministries and agencies that help children, youth, and adults know and experience God's love. From serving breakfast to packing food boxes to hanging clothes, we are committed to sharing God's grace and love in our local community. SERVING GLOBALLY VOLUNTEER 2014 Soccer Game in Haiti (short video) 2014 Haiti Trip Photos FUMC Haiti 2013 2013 Photo Gallery 2012 Haiti Mission Trip Video 2011 Haiti Mission Trip Video Photo Gallery Putting Faces with Names
Where in the World is Bon Repo, Haiti?
House of Faith location, in Bon Repo, Haiti on Google Maps Church & school in the mountains of Dos Bois Rouge, Haiti Catholic Church where the walk to DBR begins Go to the location of the Baptism site at DBR
When Helping Hurts articulates a biblically based approach to poverty alleviation, a framework that has already shaped 300,000 church and ministry leaders. Learn how you can walk with people who are poor in ways that lead to lasting change.