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Finding the Way when You’re Off Course
Many of us have a gnawing sense that there must be something more to life than what we are experiencing right now. Something in our spirit tells us there is more. There is a stirring we can neither describe nor completely satisfy. No matter how busy we are, no matter how far up the ladder of success we climb, or how much we have, we still a longing for more. Why?
Imagine that long ago a prince or princess was kidnapped as a baby and raised in squalor, filth and learned to survive by a gang of thieves. (David Copperfield) How would this child know their true identity?They would act and mimic those around them, never imagining the nobility of character and true joy that was supposed to mark their lives. They might even settle for these second rate pleasures and seek to become a highly celebrated thief, or they might go in the opposite direction, living frantic and fragmented lives in an attempt to regain respectability. Such a child might even hunger for noble things and the dream of home, but have no way to express it. In the end, their lives would be marked by depression and so many other relationship problems. Imagine what it would feel like to discover that this child was in fact you.
What if our culture, our passions and our own foolish mistakes have acted like a gang of thieves, blinding us to who we were always meant to be? What if you have an amazing calling on your life to become a prince or princess in God’s Kingdom? Could you possibly be of an ancient and royal blood line? What if within you right now is beginning of something noble? What difference would it make?
But who is it that is calling you and what sort of language to they speak? We believe it is God. And calling is the right word, for in the New Testament, Saint Paul says it is not so much that he feels he knows God, but that God knows him. Have you ever been completely alone, perhaps on the beach and yet had the sense of belonging and of being known by something bigger than you can fully sense? Do you ever have the sense that God is calling out to you - not in a shout, but in a whisper? Then listen carefully…