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Rising Hope: Playing the Hand You’re Dealt 11am


Joseph’s journey from favored son, hated brother, favored servant, condemned criminal, forgotten friend, patient psychic to Pharaoh’s trusted adviser is a journey of faith, trust and maturity unparalleled in the Biblical history. What can we learn from Joseph to help guide us when Hope is hard to find and we feel like the hand we’ve been dealt is a loser.

Overcoming the Speed Trap 9 am


We confuse busyness …with being productive, with being successful, efficient, to being meaningful. The more we have on the schedule, the more important we feel.  Success is one thing. Impact is another! We find in our Gospel text that Jesus too, was busy with life. He had demands on his time and was pressured to […]

Becoming the Unbroken 11 am

Where is hope rising when you want to give up? Who can you turn to when the world falls apart and you are left holding the pieces of broken dreams, relationship and self-esteem?  After his affair with Bathsheba and repeated attempt to cover it up, David finally commits to have Uriah the Hittite murdered instead […]

Becoming the Unbroken 9 am

Where is hope rising when you want to give up? Who can you turn to when the world falls apart and you are left holding the pieces of broken dreams, relationship and self-esteem?