Posts tagged with ‘heading’

2 Items

Soul Listening

by Steve

In the movie Gladiator, the dying emperor Marcus Aurelius, asks Maximus, Marcus: “Why are we here? Maximus: “For the glory of Rome” Marcus: “What is Rome, Maximus?” Maximus: “I have seen much of the world, and it is cold, and dark. Rome is the light.” Marcus: “Yet you have never been there!” Maximus believed in the glory […]

Know Where You’re Heading

by Steve

Do You Know Your Destination? It is your direction, not your intention that determines your destination. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. “Fight for us, O God, that we not drift numb and blind and foolish into vain and empty excitements. Life is too short, too precious, too painful to […]